Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer End

It's the 11th... and by my calculations, officially mid-August.

Time to step back and wonder where the summer went. Bones? Naps? Beach?

Truthfully I hawked Sharky off on my parents for days so I could go out of town or take care of things at home. He'd go for a weekend, then I'd sprain my ankle and just leave him with my mom... Heh heh heh.

Kidding, I really missed him when he was gone. Descending and ascending the stairs before and after sleep is a daily ritual and it felt awful and lazy to be exempt from that. And, without a dog, a serial killer could sneak in via the balcony and nobody would bark! When Sharky was gone I seriously had to lie awake to fend off murderers.

So, Sharky being out of town with my parents really didn't work for me, even though I wasn't obligated to run up and down those stairs a million extra times a day. But the Fourth and Memorial Day are behind us, now it's August, and I don't think anymore weekend drinking barbeques are coming up. So we have the whole last summer month together...

...To shake our fists at tourists and count down the days until September!!

The other day on our walk, Shark dived for a passing cyclist. He's never gone after bikes, and really, hasn't gone after any since but now I feel paranoid about everything that passes us. I look forward to the crowds thinning so I can walk him without getting freaked and coming home with a "story".


  1. I am sure you did miss him. I feel their absence when mine are gone too. I am also wondering where summer went!

    Love the photos. I don't know what effect you used on them, but they are truly awesome, especially that beach scene. Wow.

  2. Lovely pictures :) I think it's ok to take some time off when you need it. But not too long or Sharky switch allegiance ... erm I mean miss you... ;)

  3. Those photos of Sharky are insanely cute. I bet it would be hard NOT to miss that face.

  4. Cute pics, and your post cracked me up. I've done the same... lying awake waiting to fend off murderers. Luckily when Rita's there, I have no worries!

    I also shake my fist at the tourists! Summer is not my fave season, so I'll be glad when it's over. :)
